Sunday, February 8, 2009

Biggest Interview Mistakes...

After reading this article, I have to say that I do agree with their idea of the worst interview mistake you can make. It is imperative while in an interview to not ask stupid questions. While you are in an interview it is your job to convince your future employer that you are an invaluable asset to the company. If you are asking questions about what exactly it is that the company does, or what the description on your particular job would be, you are proving that you have not done a sufficient job researching both the company as well as the job itself. You are also showing the company inadvertently that this job opportunity has not been important enough to you to cause you to do sufficient research. I have had a job interview in the past and I believe my biggest piece of advice I could give is to be relaxed, be yourself and be prepared. It is necessary to do research on every facet of the company, as well as fully understanding the intended job specifications of the position in which you applied. Interviews are a very nerve racking event, and it is important to calm your nerves by ensuring that you are prepared.

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